Pterocyclos cucullus Godwin-Austen, 1889
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Pterocyclos cucullus – “Shell dextral, flatly discoid, very amply and perspectively umbilicated; sculpture a thick epidermis with fine lines of growth; colour pale sienna, with broad flame-like zigzag markings crossing the whorls transversely; apex perfectly flat; suture impressed; whorls nearly 5, rounded, rather rapidly increasing; aperture oblique, circular; peristome double, the inner continuous, simple, the outer sharply reflected and increasing in breadth on the outer margin, and the upper, where it droops over into a cowl-like shape, having one single depression or fold. Operculum very dark brown, multispiral, with raised edges.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Pterocyclus cucullus – “Schale sehr weit und durchgehend genabelt, scheibenförmig, fein gestreift, hellbraun mit breiten Flammen; Periostracum dick; Apex sehr flach; Naht eingedrückt; 5 gewölbte, ziemlich rasch zunehmende Windungen; Mündungschräg, kreisrund; Mundrand doppelt: innerer zusammenhängend, einfach, rechts zurückgeschlagen, oben mit einem in der Mitte eingebogenen oder gefalteten Öhrchen.”
Pterocyclos cucullus – “Size: maj. diam. 26.0, min. 22.0; alt. axis 5.5; diam. ap. 8.5 millim.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889); Pterocyclus cucullus – “H. 5.5, Durchm. 26:22 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “Niah Hills” (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Other localities – “Niah N.P., Sarawak, Malaysia” (Vermeulen, 2003); “Gunung Mulu N.P., Sarawak, Malaysia” (Vermeulen, 2003)