Diplommatina concinna H. Adams, 1872
“Variable in size as well as shape of the aperture: the palatal and basal sides of the peristome may be angular or rounded, the basal edge is always protruding, but much more curved upwards in some specimens than in others. In most localities the entire range of variability can be found. On G. Subis (V 1929), however, only large specimens occur, with the basal edge distinctly curved upwards. The delimitation of D. concinna against D. soror is problematical. D. toretos may represent a series of parasite-infected specimens of D. concinna.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
E. A. Smith (1894) original descriptions on Diplommatina congener – “Testa dextrorsa, ovata, superne producta, imperforate, rufo-succinea; anfractus 7, supreme duo subglobosi, leaves, caeteri convexi costulis tenuibus obliquis instructi, in interstitiis spiraliter microscopice striati, penultimus ultimo latior, ultimus supra aperturam ad lineam nigrsecentem peculiariter contractus; aperture subrotun data, ad basim columellae leviter oblique canaliculata; columella oblique, in medio dente parvo munita, superne labro callo juncta; labrum intus incrassatum, aurantium, externe expansum, Paulo infra suturam angulatim productum.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Diplommatina (Diplommatina) concinna – “Schale rechtsgewunden, nicht geritzt, ei-spindelförmig, dünn, mit feinen, weitläufigen Rippen, blass hornfarben; Gewinde fast kegelförmig, Apex stumpf; Naht eingedrückt; 6 gewölbte Windungen, drittletzte etwas stärker aufgetrieben, letzte ansteigend; Mündung fast senkrecht, abgerundet, ausgeschnitten; Mundrand doppelt: innerer kaum vorspringend, äusserer ausgebreitet, leicht zurückgeschlagen; Spindeh-and ausgebuchtet, unten in eine Ecke vorgezogen, mit einer starken, von vorn sichtbaren Falte; Callus dünn, massig ausgebreitet.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Diplommatina (Sinica) congener – “Schale rechtsgewunden, ungenabelt, eiförmig, oben vorgezogen, rötlich bernsteinfarben; 7 Windungen, die 2 obersten fast kugelig, glatt, die übrigen gewölbt, mit feinen, schrägen Rippen und sehr feinen Spirallinien dazwischen, vorletzte breiter als die letzte, diese über der Mündung an einer schwärzlichen Linie eigentümlich eingeschnürt; Mündung fast kreisrund, am unteren Ende der Spindel eine schiefe Rinne bildend; Mundrand orangefarben, innen verdickt, aussen ausgebreitet, wenig unter der Naht eckig vorgezogen; Spindelrand schief, oben in den Callus übergehend, mit einem kleinen Zahn in der Mitte.”
Vermeulen (1993) descriptions on Diplommatina concinna – “Shell dextral, conical to fusiform, last (two) whorls widest; sides flat to concave. Top usually decollate. Whorls (complete specimens) 6 5/8-8 1/8, convex. Suture impressed. Constriction level with the parietal side of the peristome, with 1 parietalis, 1 longitudinal palatalis, 1 transversal palatalis, 1 columellaris. Tuba ¾-7/8 whorl. Radial ribs about all slightly sinuous, with a slight edge to the right, rather distinct, rather high, rather wide, rather widely spaced to rather densely placed (3-6 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl). Spiral striation present. Umbilicus closed. Aperture hardly tilted with regard to the the coiling axis; columellaris distinct, directed downwards or not. Peristome double, expanding; palatal side not or slightly sinuous, with or without edge; basal side with or without edge; basal edge sinuous or not, protruding; outer peristome expanding beyond the inner; inner peristome with or without palatal lip, expanding over the shell on the columellar side, little expanding on the parietal side.”
Diplommatina congener – “Longit. 3 millim., diam. 1; aperture .75 longa.” (E. A. Smith, 1894); Diplommatina (Diplommatina) concinna – “H. 3, Durchm. 1.5 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902); Diplommatina concinna – “Height 2.4-3.5 mm (when complete, when decollate 1.8-3.2 mm); width 1.2-1.6 mm; index (when complete) 1.9-2.2. Height and width aperture 0.4-0.7 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Type locality –Diplommatina congener “Bunguran” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
Other localities – “Kusan and Penggiron districts in South-eastern Borneo” leg. W. Doherty (Aldrich, 1889); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Busau” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Rabong” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: quarry km 31.6 road Kuching-Bau” leg. Auffenberg (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Pangga 3 km ENE of Bau” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: small gorge 1 mile S. of Bau” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: hill S. of Bau goldmine, 2.1 km S. of Bau” leg. Auffenberg (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Doya 2 miles SE of Bau” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Kapur 6 km SE of Bau” leg. Wilford / de Vogel (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: SE end Bau limestone escarpment” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Lobang Angin 2 km SW of Bau” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Jambusan 4 km SE of Bau” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Muan near kpg. Peninjau Lama, 22.5 km SW of Kuching” leg. Auffenberg (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Kpg. Beratok along road Kuching-Serian” leg. Auffenberg (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: mile 21 road Kuching-Serian” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Kpg. Tiang Bekap 10 km SSW of Kpg Beratok” leg. Wilford / de Vogel (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Braang, NW foot, 22 miles S. of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Gayu 23 miles S. of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Saak 1 mile W. of Begu, 24 miles S. of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: limestone hill 1 mile NE of Pengkalan Ampat, 0.5 mile E of Temarang” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Kpg. Segur Benuk, mile 21 Penrissen Road” leg. De Vogel (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Lelat 1 mile SW of Nyabet, 24 miles SSE of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Mas 0.5 miles W of Nyabet, 24 miles SSE of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Sibow, 0.5 mile NW of Nyabet, 24 miles SSE of Kuching” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: 7.5 km WNW of Kpg. Piching, near Serian” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Selabor, W. of Kpg. Lobang Batu, 12.5 km S. of Tebakang” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 4th Div.: G. Subis (Batu Niah)” leg. Wall (Vermeulen, 1993)