Pupina hosei Godwin Austen, 1889
“This species is rather variable in size, even among specimens from the same locality. Some examples are stouter than others, and one from the cave-earth, in a semi-fossilized condition, has an exceptionally tall spire. There is very little variation in the form of the aperture, the peristome, and sinuses.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Pupina hosei – “Shell globosely oval, solid, glassy, transparent; sculpture a slight indication of transverse striation under the glassy surface; colour burnt-sienna; spire moderately high; apex blunt; suture very shallow; whorls 5½, sides rather flat; the last somewhat swollen; aperture circular, perpendicular; peristome indistinctly double, very thickened, as well as the columellar margin, this is double, cut off from the peristome by a deep notch; another deep notch near sutural margin.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Pupina (Tylotoechus) hosei – “Schale kurz eiförmig, festwandig, glasartig, durchscheinend, unter der Lupe kaum gestreift, bräunlich; Gewinde massig hoch, Apex stumpf; Naht kaum eingedrückt; 5½ ziemlich flache Windungen, letzte etwas aufgetrieben; Mündung kreisrund, senkrecht; Mundrand fast doppelt, sehr verdickt, durch tiefe Buchten an der Naht und am Grunde des verdickten Spindelrandes unterbrochen.”
Pupina hosei – “Size: maj. diam. 3.0; alt. axis 6.9 millim.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889); Pupina (Tylotoechus) hosei – “H. 6.9, Durchm. 3 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “Busan Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Other locality – “Mulu Mountain and Mount Rabong, Sarawak; also Balabac and Palawan” leg. A. Everett (E. A Smith, 1895)