Elasmias manilense (Dohrn, 1863)
“Von den beiden nächstverwandten Arten T. ovata und cernica leicht zu unterscheiden durch die kleinere Mündung, die einfache Columelle, den nicht aufgeblasenen letzten Umgang; von T. cernica ausserdem noch durch die nicht decussirte Oberfläche der Schale.” (Dohrn, 1862)
“This genus occurs in the Philippine Islands, but has not yet been discovered in Borneo.” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
“Living on the ground, between leaves, grass and earth. The Javanese specimens were certainly not found in an aquatic biotope, but in the ground litter at the base of limestone cliffs.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Dohrn (1862) original descriptions on Tornatellina manilensis – “Testa ovato-conica, tenuis, laevigata, pellucida, cornea; spira conica, obtusiuscula; anfractus 5 convexi, ultimus vix 2/3 spire aequans; aperture oblongo-semiovalis, lamella parietalis mediana, compressa, crista lateraliter curvata, columella obliqua, albocallosa, vix truncate; peristomium acutum, rectum.”
E. A. Smith (1894) original descriptions on Tornatellina natunensis – “Testa parva, ovata, superne subconoidea, tenuis, subpellucida, pallide fuscescens, imperforate, lineis incremento tenuibus striata; anfractus 4, convexi, apex magnus, rotundatus; aperture perpendicularis, inverse auriformis, longit. totius ½ Paulo minor; perist. tenue, margine columellari leviter contorto, haud incrassato vel reflexo; lamina parietalus tenuissima, intrans.”
Benthem-Jutting (1952) descriptions on Elasmias manilense – “Shell ovate-conical to ovate-turreted, fragile. Corneous to greyish-green, the first two whorls spirally striated, the subsequent ones more granular and with a somewhat coarser sculpture of oblique growth lines. With soft lustre and somewhat transparent. Whorls 5, convex, with suture well impressed. Periphery rounded, last whorl not inflated. Top obtuse, base rounded, not perforate. Aperture oblique, oval. With a conspicuous lamella on the parietal side and another one along the columella indistinctly truncated at the base. Columella spirally twisted. Peristome not continuous, free margin sharp, not thickened or reflected.”
Tornatellina manilensis – “Long. 4½, lat. 3, ap. long. 2 mill.” (Dohrn, 1862); Tornatellina natunensis – “Longit. 2.5 millim., diam. 1.5; aperture 1.3 longa, .75 lata.” (E. A. Smith, 1894); Elasmias manilense – “Dimensions: the largest specimen from Java is high 3 and wide 1.6 mm, with an aperture of 1.4 mm height.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Type locality – “Prope Malinam” leg. C. Semper (Dohrn, 1862); Tornatellina natunensis “Bunguran” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
Distributions – “Philippines, Maldive Is., Natuna Is., Java.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)