Parmarion shelfordi Collinge, 1903
Collinge (1903) original descriptions on Parmarion shelfordi – “Animal: the whole of the head, mantle and dorsum is blue, with the medio-lateral portions yellow, the lateral margins of the mantle are also yellow, and there is a prominent lateral keel on the mantle, encircling a little more than two-thirds of the visceral mass. The peripodial groove is distinct and rugae only faintly marked. Foot-fringe blue with deeply indented blotches of yellow. Foot-sole yellowish-brown, divided into median and lateral planes. Shell thin, membranaceous oval, with thinner, irregular border, apex indistinct.”
“The Generative Organs - These are characterised by the long free-oviduct, the form of the penis, the short vas deferens, and the form and shape of the dart. The penis has the beak-like distal portion, so characteristic of most species of the genus, and immediately below this is a collar-like sheath, while beyond, the organ becomes more globose. The vas deferens is very short, also the duct of the receptaculum seminis. The dart at its free end is somewhat flattened, with a sharp cutting edge at each side. Above the aperture leading into the cavity of the dart is a solid calcareous head. Passing downward the flattened form gradually disappears until it becomes oval.” (Collinge, 1903)
Parmarion shelfordi – “Length (in alcohol) 32 millim… Diam. (Shell) max. 13, min. 8 millim.” (Collinge, 1903)
Type locality – “Kuching” (Collinge, 1903)