Geotrochus heraclea (Smith, 1895)
“A triffle larger than T. bongaoensis (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1894, vol. xii. P. 52. pl. iv. Figs. 2-2b) but of the same brown colour and general appearance. The lip is rosy white and tortuous as in T. bongaoensis, but the spire is not convexly conoidal, but with rectilinear sides, the increase and width of the whorls are different, and the spiral sculpture is stronger.” (E. A. Smith, 1895); Geotrochus (Eurybasis) heraclea – “The single adult was 13 mm in diameter, 6.8 mm high with 7 ¾ whorls.” (Solem, 1964)
“The plain, straw-coloured shell can most easily be recognized by the weak spiral ridges found just above the shell periphery. The narrow, tightly coiled whorls, closed umbilicus and keeled periphery easily identify Geotrochus.” (Solem, 1964)
E. A. Smith (1895) original descriptions on Trochonanina heraclea – “Testa T. bongaoensi affinis, sed spira magis conica, anfractibus lentius accrescentibus, ultimo latiore, lineis spiralibus et incrementi validioribus.”
Trochonanina heraclea – “Diam. 17 millim., alt. 8.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Type locality – “Mount Rabong, West Sarawak” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Other localities – “Sabah; Bukit Kipangi” (Solem, 1964); “Sabah; Gomantong Hill” (Solem, 1964)