Amphidromus adamsi pictus (Fulton, 1896)
Fulton (1896) original descriptions on Amphidromus pictus – “Shell sinistral, oblong-conic, almost imperforate, shining; whorls 7, convex, microscopically spirally striate, impressed at the suture; colour lemon, almost covered by oblique broad bluish-grey stripes, last whorl with two dark brown bands at the lower part; columellar area pink; columella straight, white, slightly expanded at point of insertion; lip white, expanded and reflected ; interior of aperture of a purple brown colour."
Fulton (1896) descriptions on syntype A. pictus concinna - “Colour bluish grey, with a dark green zone encircling lower half of the upper whorls, interrupted by equidistant, short, oblique stripes; this interrupted band is continued on last whorl at the periphery; lip and columella pink. Compared with pictus the whorls are more convex, the aperture smaller; the basal bands are sometimes absent in this variety.”
“Long. 37 mm., maj. diam. 17 mm.” (Fulton, 1896)
Type locality – “Kina Balu, North Borneo” (Fulton, 1896)