Chamalycaeus everetti (Godwin Austen 1889)
“This species resembles the Indian forms much more than those from Borneo. It may possibly be A. spiracellum Ad. & Rve, whose figure and description I have not had access to.” (Aldrich, 1889)
“Gehäuse weit und offen genabelt, rechts gewunden, kreiseiförmig, kaum niedergedrückt, weifslich, der Apex rosa. Gewinde ziemlich rein konisch, mit zitzenförmigem Apex. Die vier Windungen sind konvex, die oberen glatt, die letzte an der gut entwickelten, etwa 1½ mm langen Nahtröhre dicht gerippt, dann in der Einschnürung und der darauf folgenden Anschwellung allmählich weitläufiger gerippt und schliefslich nur noch schwach gestreift; sie steigt vorn langsam herunter. Die Naht ist tief, Mündung schief eiförmig, oben eine undeutliche Ecke bildend; Mundsaum doppelt, der innere zusammenhängend, gerade, etwas vorgezogen, der äufsere an der Mündungswand weit unterbrochen, ausgebreitet, links unten besonders breit; Spindelrand regelmäfsig gebogen.” (Kobelt, 1897)
“Since this was written, specimens of A. everetti, sent by Mr. Fulton, have been compared by Mr. Aldrich with his A. broti, and he has written, saying ‘they are the same thing.’ The diam. 7 mm. was a mistake, and should be ‘about 4 ½ mm’.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Alycaeus everetti – “Shell dextral, not depressedly tubinate, widely umbilicated; sculpture quite smooth above, close costulation at sutural tube, gradually decreasing to a few distant very minute striae, fine close costulation within the umbilicus; colour whitish, apex pinkish brown; spire subconic; apex papillate; suture deep, the sutural tube 1.5 mm. in length, well developed; whorls 4, sides convex, the last slightly constricted near sutural tube, then swelling and descending towards the aperture; aperture obhque ovate, angulate above at inner upper margin of the peristome; peristome double, the outer expanded slightly and to its greatest extent on lower inner margin; columellar margin rounded.”
Aldrich (1889) descriptions on syntype Alycaeus broti – “Shell small, whorls fine, covered with strong, raised, vertical striae, finely set upon the body whorl. Apex smooth, whorls rounded, aperture twisted downward, almost vertically to plane of shell. Lip exserted and bordered by a reflected expansion. Umbilicus open, showing the convolutions of the shell.”
Kobelt (1897) descriptions on Alycaeus everetti – “Testa late et aperte umbilicata, dextrorsa, turbinata, albida, apice rosaceo, spira subconica apice papillato. Anfractus 4 convexi, superi laeves, ultimus ad tubulum suturalem sat longum conferte costulatus, dein constrictus, iterum inflatus costellis sensim decrescentibus et magis distantibus et ad aperturam leniter descendens; sutura profunda. Apertura oblique ovata, supra angulata, peristoma duplex, internum continuum, rectum, leviter porrectum, externum interruptum expansum, ad angulum inferum dilatatum; margo columellaris arcuatus.”
Alycaeus everetti – “Size: maj. diam. 5.0 mm; alt. axis 2.5 mm.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889); syntype Alycaeus broti – “Diameter about 7 mm, height 3 ½ mm.” (Aldrich, 1889)
Type locality – “Niah Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889); syntype Alycaeus broti “Kusan and Penggiron districts in South-eastern Borneo” leg. W. Doherty (Aldrich, 1889)
Other localities – “Baramflufs in Nordost-Borneo” (Kobelt, 1897)