Japonia conica (E. A. Smith, 1894)
“The spiral lirae are rather feeble, four on the penultimate, and none below the periphery of the last.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
E. A. Smith (1895) original descriptions on Lagochilus conicus – “Testa anguste perforate, conica, lutescens, rufo radiatim strigata, epidermide tenui setosa induta, spiraliter tenuissime lirata; anfractus 6, convexi, regulariter, haud celeriter accrescentes, ultimus antice vix descendens; peristoma tenue, duplex, margine externo angustissime expanso, nigrescente, interno leviter incrassato, pallide livido, continuo, ad suturam minute sinuato.”
Lagochilus conicus – “Diam. maj. 8 millim., min. 7, alt. 8½; aperture intus 3 ½ lata.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Type locality – “Kina Balu, 3000-4000 feet” leg. A. Everett (E. A. Smith, 1895)