Opisthoporus gwendolenae (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Rhiostoma gwendolenae – “Shell dextral, globosely discoid, solid, openly umbilicated; sculpture a thick finely striate epidermis; colour dark umber-brown, with transverse bands of a darker colour, towards the apes zigzag bars are seen where this epidermis has come off; spire low; apex papilliform; suture well impressed; sutural tube 2 mm in length, tapering and directed forward; whorls 4 1/4, rounded, the last separated from the other whorls from the base of sutural tube; aperture circular; peristome double, the inner lip thin and continuous, the outer expanded and reflected on the outer margin. Operculum thin, flat, smooth, multispiral, and shelly in front, smooth and horny behind, with a central circular hole.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Cyclotus (Opisthophorus) gwendolenae – “Schale offen genabelt, fast scheibenförmig, festwandig, kastanienbraun gestriemt, Periostracum tiefbraun, dick, gestreift; Gewinde niedrig, mit Zickzackstriemen, Apex zitzenförmig; Naht eingedrückt; 4½ gewölbte Windungen, letzte vom Ansatz der langen, schmalen, nach vorn gerichteten Nahtröhre au abgelöst; Mündung kreisrund, Mundrand doppelt: innerer dünn, zusammenhängend, äusserer ausgebreitet, rechts zurückgeschlagen. Deckel mit vielen Windungen, flach, glatt, innen glatt, mit Vertiefung in der Mitte.”
Rhiostoma gwendolenae – “Size: maj. diam. 15.25, min. 11.75; alt. axis 5.0; diam. Bodywhorl 7.5 millim.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889); Cyclotus (Opisthophorus) gwendolenae – “H. 5, Durchm. 15.25:11.75 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “Niah Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889)