Diplommatina busanensis Godwin-Austen, 1889
“D. laidlawi Sykes, 1903, from W. Malaysia, is smaller and wider, has a thinner peristome, and a distinctly sinuous basal edge.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Diplommatina busanensis – “Shell sinistral, ovately fusiform, somewhat short; sculpture fine longitudinal sriation, crossed by distant regular well-marked constulation; colour orange-brown, dark madder-brown on apex; spire turreted; apex pointed; suture deep; whorls 6, sides very convex, penultimate ample, the antepenultimate the largest; aperture ovate, subvertical; peristome double, continuous, rounded on the outer margin, angular on the columellar side; columellar margin oblique outwards, tooth small and blunt.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Diplommatina (Diplommatina) busanensis – “Schale linksgewunden, ziemlich kurz ei-spindelförmig, fein gerippt und gestreift, orangebraun mit dunklerem Apex; Gewinde getürmt, Apex spitz; Naht tief; 6 sehr gewölbte Windungen, vorletzte grösser, drittletzte am grössten; Mündung fast senkrecht, eiförmig; Mundrand doppelt, zusammenhängend, nach rechts abgerundet, unten an der Spindel eckig; Spindelrand schief nach aussen gerichtet, mit einem kleinen, stumpfen Zahn.”
Vermeulen (1993) original descriptions on Diplommatina busanensis – “Shell sinistral, conical with the last whorl moved inwards but still widest; sides flat. Whorls 5 ½-6 1/8, convex. Suture impressed. Constriction about level with the edge between the parietal and columellar side of the peristome, with 1 parietalis, 1 transversal palatalis, 1 columellaris. Tuba ¾ whorl. Radial ribs not sinuous, distinct, rather high, rather thin, rather widely spaced (3-4 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl). Spiral striation often present. Umbilicus closed. Aperture hardly tilted with regard to the coiling axis; columellaris rather inconspicuous. Peristome simple, expanding; palatal side not sinuous, without edge; basal side without edge; basal edge hardly sinuous, protruding; outer peristome slightly expanding beyond the inner; inner peristome with a palatal lip, free and slightly erect on the columellar side, somewhat expanding on the parietal side.”
Diplommatina busanensis – “Size: maj. diam. 2.0 mm; alt. axis 3.4 mm.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889); Diplommatina busanensis – “Height 2.5-3.1 mm; width 1.3-1.5 mm; index 1.8-2.1. Height and width aperture 0.5-0.7 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Type location – “Busan Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Other localities – “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: Bau area” leg. Tweedie (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: small gorge 1 mile S. of Bau” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Doya 2 miles SE. of Bau” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Kapur 6 km SE of Bau” (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: G. Wah, S. of Braang, 23 miles S. of Kuching” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993); “Borneo. Sarawak. 1st Div.: limestone hill 1 mile NE. of Penkalan Ampat, 0.5 mile E. of Temarang” leg. Wilford (Vermeulen, 1993)