Diplommatina everetti E. A. Smith, 1894
“This species is a trifle larger than D. excentrica. When viewed with the aperture to the eye, the penultimate whorl is a mere plain band or constriction, and does not bulge laterally as in tbe species referred to. The peristome also is less produced on the upper outer margin.” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
E. A. Smith (1894) original descriptions on Diplommatina everetti – “Testa dextrorsa, imperforata, subpellucida, sordide albida, ad apicem rufescens; anfractus 7, convexi, lamellis tenuissimis subdistantibus flexuosis ornati, primi quinque regulares, quintus latus, angulatim rotundatus, penultimus maxime constrictus, distortus, Iaevis; apertura irregulariter rotundata; peristoma duplex, pallide luteum vel albidum, paulo expansum, ad basim columellae productum; columella rectiuscula, in medio dente parvo acuto munita.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Diancta (Paradiancta) everetti – “Schale rechtsgewunden, ungenabelt, fast durchsichtig, mit sehr dünnen, weitläufigen, gebogenen Lamellen, schmutzig weisslich; Apex rötlich; 7 gewölbte Windungen, die 5 oberen regelmässig, die fünfte breit, eckig abgerundet, vorletzte sehr eingeschnürt, verdreht, glatt; Mündung unregelmässig abgerundet; Mundrand doppelt, blassgelb oder weisslich, wenig ausgebreitet, an der Basis der Spindel vorgezogen; Spindelrand ziemlich gerade, mit kleinemmspitzen Zahn.”
Vermeulen (1993) descriptions on Diplommatina everetti – “Shell dextral, fusiform, last but two whorl widest; penultimate whorls narrow; sides slightly concave. Whorls 6 7/8-7 1/2, convex. Suture impressed. Constriction 3/4-1 whorl beyond the angular edge of the peristome, with (only observed through shell wall) 1 (?) parietalis, 1 longitudinal palatalis entirely beyond the angular edge of the peristome, 1 transversal palatalis, 1 columellaris. Tuba 1 3/4-2 whorls. Radial ribs halfway with a slight loop to the right, rather inconspicuous, low, thin, widely spaced, fading towards the constriction. Spiral striation absent. Umbilicus closed. Aperture hardly tilted with regard to the coiling axis; columellaris distinct, not directed downwards. Peristome double, expanding; palatal side sinuous, with an edge; basal side without edge; basal edge sinuous, slightly protruding; outer peristome expanding beyond the inner; inner peristome with a moderate palatal lip, expanding over the shell on the columellar side, moderately expanding on the parietal side.”
Diplommatina everetti – “Longit. 3.33 mm, diam fere 2. Apertura cum peristoma 1.25 mm longa.” (E. A. Smith, 1894); Diplommatina everetti – “Height 3.3-3.4 mm; width 1.4-1.6 mm; index 2.1-2.4. Height and width aperture 0.6-0.7 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Type locality – “Barit Mountain, N. W. Borneo” (E. A. Smith, 1894)