Diplommatina moluensis E.A. Smith, 1893
“This species is of a glossy waxy yellow colour, with the apex red. The riblets are oblique, a little wavy, and about eighteen in number on the penultimate whorl.” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
E.A. Smith (1894) original descriptions on Diplommatina moluensis – “Testa acuminato-ovata, sinistrorsa, imperforata, cerea, subnitida, versus apicem rubra; anfractus 7, convexi, regulariter crescentes, costulis tenuibus obliquis leviterque flexuosis subdistantibus instructi, ultimus contractus, antice ascendens, penult. leviter gibbosus, latitudine ultimum aequans; apertura rotundata, ad columellam recta, inferne leviter canaliculata, intus flava; peristoma duplex, margine interno continuo, porrecto, externo lamelliformi, expanso; columella recta, dente parvo instructa.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Gastroptychia moluensis – “Schale linksgewiinden, ungenabelt, spitz eiförmig, mit leicht gebogenen, feinen, schrägen, ziemlich weitläufigen Rippen, glänzend, wachsfarben. Nach oben rötlich; 7 gewölbte, regelmässig zunehmende Windungen, letzte eingezogen, vorn ansteigend, vorletzte leicht buckelig, so breit wie die letzte; Mündung rundlich, mit geradem Spindelrand, unten leicht rinnenförmig, innen gelblich; Mundrand doppelt: innerer zusammenhängend, vorgezogen, äusserer lamellenartig ausgebreitet; Spindelzahn klein.”
Vermeulen (1993) descriptions on Diplommatina moluensis – “Shell sinistral, almost conical, with the last whorl slightly moved inwards but still widest; sides flat. Whorls 7, convex. Suture impressed. Constriction level with the parietal side of the peristome, with (?, only observed through shell wall) 1 parietalis, 2 longitudinal palatals, the upper parallel with the suture, 1 transversal palatalis, 1 columellaris. Tuba 7/8 whorl. Radial ribs sinuous, distinct, high, rather wide, widely spaced (2 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl). Spiral striation absent. Umbilicus closed. Aperture slightly tilted with regard to the coiling axis; columellaris distinct, directed downwards. Peristome double, expanding; palatal side not sinuous, with a wing; basal side without edge; basal edge moderately sinous, rather sharp; outer peristome expanding beyond the inner; inner peristome without palatal lip, free and erect on the columellar side. Somewhat expanding on the parietal side.”
Diplommatina moluensis – “Longit. 5 mm, diam 2.5 mm. Apertura 2 mm longa.” (E. A. Smith, 1894); Diplommatina moluensis – “Height 5.0 mm; width 2.5 mm; index 2.0. Height and width aperture 1.1 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Type locality – “Molu or Mulu Mountain, N. Borneo” (E. A. Smith, 1894)