Diplommatina sulphurea E. A. Smith, 1894
“The sulphur colour is rather more vivid within the aperture than upon the exterior of the shell. The lip is simple, merely slightly expanded and reflected.” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
E. A. Smith (1894) original descriptions on Diplommatina sulphurea – “Testa ovata, superne acuminata, imperforata, sinistrorsa, flavescens; anfractus 8, convexi, lineis incrementi tenuibus obliquis sculpti, penultimus gibbosus, ultimo latior, ultimus contractus, primum valde obliquus, antice conspicue ascendens; apertura irregulariter rotundata, sulphurea, longit. totius 1/3 adsequans; peristoma tenue, leviter expansum, flavum, marginibus callo tenui junctis, columellari rectiusculo, intus denticulo mediano munito, supra regionem umbilici duplice, partim appresso, partim libero prominente.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Gastroptychia sulphurea – “Schale linksgewunden, ungenabelt, spitz eiförmig, mit feinen schrägen Anwachslinien, gelblich; 8 gewölbte Windungen, vorletzte buckelig, breiter als die letzte, diese zusammengezogen, anfangs sehr schief, vorn deutlich ansteigend; Mündung unregelmässig abgerundet, schwefelgelb, 1/3 der Höhe einnehmend; Mundrand dünn, leicht ausgebreitet, gelb, durch einen dünnen Callus verbunden; Spindelrand ziemlich gerade, innen mit kleinem Zahn in der Mitte, am Nabel doppelt, zum Teil angedrückt, zum Teil frei vorspringend.”
Vermeulen (1993) descriptions on Diplommatina sulphurea – “Shell sinistral, fusiform to almost conical, with the last whorl slightly moved inwards but still widest; sides flat. Whorls 8-8 ¼, moderately convex. Suture impressed. Constriction level with the parietal side of the peristome, with 1 parietalis, 1 oblique longitudinal palatalis, 1 transversal palatalis, 1 columellaris. Tuba 7/8 whorl. Radial ribs absent or inconspicuous, not sinuous, low, wide, densely placed (6-9 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl). Spiral striation absent. Umbilicus closed. Aperture somewhat tilted with regard to the coiling axis; columellaris distinct, directed downwards. Peristome simple, expanding; palatal side not sinuous, without edge; basal side without edge; basal edge not sinuous, rounded; peristome without palatal lip, free and erect on the columellar side, somewhat expanding on the parietal side.”
Diplommatina sulphurea – “Longit. 7 mm, diam. 3 mm. Apertura 2.5 mm longa.” (E. A. Smith, 1894); Diplommatina sulphurea – “Height 5.9-6.6 mm; width 2.7-3.0 mm; index 2.1-2.3. Height aperture 1.3-1.5 mm; width 1.4-1.5 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1993)
Type locality – “Molu or Mulu Mountain” (E. A. Smith, 1894)