Acmella caelata Vermeulen & Junau, 2007
“Acmella minutissima (Maassen, 2000), from Sumatra and Borneo, is wider (0.8-1 mm wide), has a finer spiral sculpture, and an aperture with a more angular transition from the parietal to the columellar side. An undescribed species from Sabah looks very similar in most aspects, but has a more compressed spire (shell height 0.65-0.75 mm, with 3½-3 7/8 whorls). Differs from A. conica and A. obtusa, below, in having a broadly rounded apex and an ovate aperture.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
Acmella caelata – “Height 0.80-0.95 mm; width c. 0.7 mm. Apertural height c. 0.40 mm, width 0.32-0.35 mm.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
Vermeulen & Junau (2007) original descriptions on Acmella caelata – “Shell minute, conical-ovoid with about flat sides and a broadly rounded apex, slightly translucent white, somewhat shiny. Whorls 3 1/8-3 3/8, moderately convex. Suture impressed. Protoconch about smooth at 40 x magnification. Radial sculpture teleoconch: growth lines only, locally more distinct than elsewhere. Spiral sculpture teleoconch: fine, densely placed, flat spiral threads with shallow, narrow grooves in between. Umbilicus open, narrow. Aperture somewhat obliquely ovate, narrowly rounded above, well rounded below, transition from parietal to columellar side gradual. Peristome simple, reflected on the columellar side, not so on the palatal side.”
Type locality – “Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nd div.: Lower Tatau River valley, Bukit Sarang group” leg. S. Lee (Vermeulen, 2007)
“Lowland rainforest on and near limestone bedrock.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)