Hemiplecta humphreysiana (Lea, 1841)
“About a year since, Mr. Humphreys kindly presented me with several specimens of this shell, and subsequently I have received two or three from Mr. Balestier, of Singapore. In general outline it resembles H. unidentata, Lam. Its spire is elevated. Some individuals have an indistinct band over the dark one of the periphery.” (Lea, 1841)
Notes on Helix humphreysiana – “The spire is more elevated in this species than in the two nearest allied represented above, and the last whorl fuller and rounded.” (Reeve, 1854)
Notes on Helix nobilis – “Distinguished from the two species figured beneath it in the accompanying plate, by the more rounded form of the whorls and of the shell.” (Reeve, 1854)
“This shell seems somewhat widely distributed, since it is recorded from Pondicherry, Singapore, and Sumatra. It is an orbiculately conical shell, convex below, rugulosely granular, yellowish brown with a chestnut band at the periphery; spire somewhat elevated and acute, whorls six to seven, aperture oblique, simple acute.” (Tenison-Wood, 1888)
“… Compared with the type species of Hemiplecta, the male organ is similar, save that in H. humphreysiana there is no caecum, whereas in this Perak species a caecum, approaching in form that of Macrochlamys, is present. The spermatheca of Hemiplecta humphreysiana is rather short, and pear-shaped, not long, and narrowing to an attachment muscle. There is some difference in the relative position of the right shell-lobe in the two species: in the Perak form it is given off at a lower point on the mantle zone, and this is also the case in some other species. The radula is of the same type in both, and if the admedians be added to the curved aculeate laterals the number is identical, viz. 70 : 1 : 70, the difference in the total number being made up in the outermost bicuspid teeth. The jaw of the Perak snail has a much larger central projection. These differences do not outweigh the similarity of the radula, and shell and dorsal lobes, and I therefore leave it, where Mr. E. A. Smith placed it, in Hemiplecta.” (Godwin-Austen, 1901)
Lea (1841) original descriptions on Helix humpreysiana – “Testâ orbiculato-conoideâ, subtus convexâ, minutè rugosâ, albido-fulvâ, ad periphӕriam fasciatâ, latè umbilicatâ, profundè perforata; anfractibus senis, convexis; aperturâ submagnâ,. obliquâ; labro acuto; columellâ lӕvi.”
Lea (1841) english descriptions on Helix humpreysiana – “Shell orbicular-conical, convex beneath, minutely wrinkled,tawny, banded on the periphery, widely umbilicate, deeply perforate; whorls six, convex; aperture rather large, oblique; lip acute; columella smooth.”
Pfeiffer (1848) descriptions on Helix humpreysiana – “T. aperte perforate, orbiculato-conoidea, subtus convexa, ruguloso-granulata, luteo-fulva, ad peripheriam castaneo-fasciata; spira elata, acutiuscula; anfr. 6-7 convexiusculi, ultimus circa perforationem compressus; aperture oblique, lunaris; perist. simplex, acutum, margine columellari vix reflexo. β – Pallide lutea, obsque fascia, basi fulvescens.”
Reeve (1854) descriptions on Helix humphreysiana – “Shell rather narrowly umbilicated, orbicularly conoid, convex beneath, indentedly decussated and striated, yellowish-fulvous, encircled with a chestnut band at the periphery; spire raised, rather sharp; whorls six to seven, rather convex, the last compressed around the umbilicus; aperture oblique, lunar; lip simple, sharp, columellar margin but little reflected.”
Reeve (1854) descriptions on Helix nobilis – “Shell narrowly umbilicated, orbicular, minutely indentedly decussated throughout with striae, burnt-fulvous, whitish beneath; whorls six to seven, convex, the last rounded, encircled at the periphery with a very dark chestnut band; aperture obliquely lunar; lip simple.” (not belongs to this species)
Tryon (1886) descriptions on Nanina (Rhysota) humphreysiana – “Openly umbilicated, decussated and minutely granulosely rugose above, below without rugae; yellowish brown, with a chestnut peripheral band; whorls 6-7.”
Möllendorff & Kobelt (1901) descriptions on Hemiplecta nobilis – “T. anguste umbilicata, subturbinato-depressa, solida, oblique arcuatim striata, lineis spiralibus impressis et rugulis oblique antrorsum deeurrentibus sculpta, corneobrunnea. Spira subturbinata. Anfr. 6, superi fere plani, penultimus convexiusculus, ultimus bene convexus. mcdio obtuse carinatus, infra carinam taenia fusca deorsum diluta ornatus, basi minus distincte sculptus. fulvo-corneus. Apertura parum obliqua, ampla. late elliptica, sat excisa: peristoma rectum, sat acutum, margine columellari superne sat late triangulariter reflexo.”
Helix humpreysiana – “Diam. 1.9, Length 1.2 inches.” (Lea, 1841); Helix humpreysiana – “Diam. maj. 53, min. 47, alt. 33 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1848); Nanina (Rhysota) humphreysiana – “Diam. 53, alt. 33 mill.” (Tryon, 1886); Hemiplecta nobilis – “Diam. 53-56.5; alt. 30-35 mm, apert. lat. 33. long. 30.5 mm (spec).” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901)
Type locality – “Pondicherry” leg. S. Humpreys (Lea, 1841)
Other localities – “Singapore” leg. J. Balestier (Lea, 1841); “Mount Ophir, Malacca” (Reeve, 1854); “Sumatra: Rajahberge und am Toba-See.” (Martens, 1900)