Hemiplecta sauleyekiana (Pfeiffer, 1851)
“Of a silken aspect above, arising from its minute decussated sculpture, and shining beneath, with a very small umbilicus.” (Reeve, 1854)
“L' esistenza di questa specie in Borneo deve ritenersi come ancora assai incerta.” (Issel, 1874)
Pfeiffer (1851) original descriptions on Helix souleyetiana – “H. testâ perforatâ, conoideo-depressâ, solidulâ, rugoso-striatâ, supernè inter strias sub lente confertissimè undulato-lineatâ, pallidè fulvâ; spirâ breviter conoideâ, obtusiusculâ; anfractibus 6 subplanis, lentè accrescentibus, ultimo acutè carinato, infra carinam castaneo-fasciato, convexo, medio profundè excavato; aperturâ perobliquâ, angulato-lunari; peristomate simplice, marginibus subparallelis, dextro antrorsum subarcuato, columellari subincrassato, supernè brevissimè reflexo.”
Reeve (1854) descriptions on Helix souleyetiana Petit de la Saussaye, 1841? – “Shell narrowly umbilicated, orbicularly depressed, fulvous, with a narrow chestnut zone beneath the keel, closely rib-like striated at the upper part, obsoletely decussated with spiral lines; spire obtuse; whorls six, rather convex, the last sharply angled, smooth and shining at the base; aperture truncately oval; lip white, shortly expanded, margins approximating.”
Tryon (1886) descriptions on Nanina (Rhysota) souleyetiana – “Perforate, rather solid, rugosely striated above, very closely but slightly undulately lineate between the stride; light brown, with a deeper brown band below the periphery, base brownish white.”
Helix souleyetiana – “Diam. maj. 52, min. 36, alt. 18 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1851); Nanina (Rhysota) souleyetiana – “Diam. 42, alt. 18 mill.” (Tryon, 1886)
Type locality – “___?” (Pfeiffer, 1851)
Other localities – “Borneo” leg. Cuming (Issel, 1874)