Microcystina seclusa Godwin-Austen, 1891
Godwin-Austen (1891) original descriptions on Microcystina seclusa – “Shell globosely conical, shiny, rounded below, imperforate; sculpture, concentric regular parallel strise, very fine; colour siennabrown; spire high, side fiat; apex bluntly rounded; suture impressed; whorls 5, sides, particularly of the last, very convex; aperture lunate; peristome acute, thin; columellar margin nearly vertical, thickened.”
Microcystina seclusa – “Size: maj. diam. 3.8; alt. axis 2.4 millim.” (Godwin-Austen, 1891)
Type locality – “Borneo, cave-earth” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1891)