Alycaeus galbanus Godwin-Austen, 1889
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Alycaeus galbanus – “Shell dextral, pyramidal, closely umbilicated, the last whorl slightly constricted and swelling again towards the aperture; sculpture very fine irregular transverse striation, a few stronger costulate striae near the sutural tube, smooth in front of this; colour pale yellowish sap-green, dark on the apex; spire high, conic; apex sharp; suture moderately impressed; sutural tube only 0.7 mm. in length, blunt; whorls 6, rather flat-sided; aperture circular; peristome double, the outer much expanded on the upper outer margin and forming a sharp nick on the columellar side; columellar margin rounded.”
“Size: maj. diam. 6 mm; alt. axis 4.75 mm.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Type locality – “Niah Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889)