Kaliella kinabaluensis (Tillier & Bouchet, 1988)
Tiller & Bouchet (1988) original descriptions on Kionghutania kinabaluensis – “Shell thin, fragile, conical, consisting of about 1 protoconch and 5 teleoconch whorls. The protoconch of the only dried specimen has not been examined with SEM; under dissecting microscope several strong spiral cords are present, with no obvious incremental or axial sculpture visible. Protoconch/teleoconch transition indistinct. Teleoconch whorls moderately convex, with appressed suture; body whorl occupying 65% of total shell height, with a rather smooth peripheral keel. Teleoconch sculpture consists of very fine, regular spiral threads and coarser and stronger undulating axial ribs that appear at irregular intervals; the spiral threads become obsolete on the body whorl and the base of the shell, while the axial sculpture also extends onto the basal part of the shell. Aperture oate, with the peripheral keel forming a sharp curve on the outer lip; inner lip limited to a thin glaze appressed to the body whorl. There is a narrow umbilical chinck that is coloured with different axially oriented shades of brown, from whitish to brown on an amber-brown background.”
“The radula has ca. 100 teeth per half row. The transition between the laterals and the marginals occurs at the level of the fourth tooth from the central.” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)
“The animals were uniformly dark in colour when alive. The visceral mass has 4.7 whorls. The lung occupies ca. 0.9 whorls and the top of the stomach is located ca. one whorl above, ca. 0.8 whorls being occupied by the stomachal crop and pouch. There is a single typhlosole in the proximal intestine. The kidney is narrow and occupies about one-third of the lung length.” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)
“Central nervous systems: the cerebral commissure is short, and the lateral connectives are longer than in Gunongia species. The cerebro-pleural connectives are distinctly shorter than the pleuro-pedal, the right one being itself shorter than the left one. In the visceral chain the left parietal and pleural ganglia are appressed, and separated from the single mass formed by the visceral and right parietal ganglia by a relatively long connective. The right parietal and pleural ganglia are appressed.” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)
“Genital apparatus: the penis and epiphallar sheath are about as long as the free oviduct. The epiphallus describes one loop within its sheath; a single pilaster ending apically in a ring pilaster is present. The spermatheca is distinctly longer than the free oviduct. The hermaphrodite gland is formed from two principal lobes.” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)
Kionghutania kinabaluensis – “Dimensions of the shell (holotype): height 5.6 mm, diameter 6.2 mm; aperture height 2.4 mm, breadth 3.2 mm.” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)
Type locality – “upper montane zone of Mt. Kinabalu (Sabah, Borneo)” (Tiller & Bouchet, 1988)