Alycaeus hosei Godwin-Austen, 1889
Godwin-Austen (1889) original descriptions on Alycaeus hosei – “Shell dextral, turbinately pyramidal, narrowly umbilicated; sculpture very fine close regular costulation, slightly better defined at the sutural tube, quite smooth thence to the aperture; colour very pale with a slight tint of sea-green; spire high; apex pointed; suture well impressed, the sutural tube fine and short; whorls 5½, sides convex, the last with a slight contraction in front of the sutural tube; aperture circular; peristome sharply edged, the outer lip being much expanded and rising on the last whole but one and contracting again on the inner margin; columellar margin circular.”
“Size: maj. diam. 5.75 mm; alt. axis 6.25 mm.” (Godwin-Austen, 1889)
Type locality – “Busan hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1889)