Geotrochus paraguensis (Smith, 1893)
“This species is closely allied to T. labuanensis, Pfeiffer. It may be distinguished by the spire being rather less elevated, the keel not so acute and not compressed above or below; the umbilical region is not so impressed, and the peristome, especially the basal margin, is directly thickened. This species is much more distinct from T. labuanensis than the latter is from T. conicoides, Metcalfe, which indeed are considered synonymous by Godwin-Austen. T. conicoides, however, has a more elevated and conical spire than labuanensis, and the coil of the whorls is different, so that in the latter the last whorl seen from above is conspicuously narrower than in conicoides.” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
“The specimens from Balabac offer no variation from those occurring at Palawan. A small variety, 13 millim, in diameter, occurring at the latter island, has the same number of whorls, but the spire a little more conical than the type.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
E. A. Smith (1893) original descriptions on Trochonania paraguensis – “Testa imperforate, depresse conoidea, acute carinata, unicolor, cornea, vel interdum utrinque carinam anguste fusco zonata; anfractus 7-8, superne vix convexiusculi, lente et regulariter crescents, incrementi lineis oblique arcuatis striisque spiralibus paucis sculpti, ultimus haud descendens, acute carinatus, infra convexus , haud spiraliter striatus; carina supra et infra vix compressa; aperture angusta; peristoma album, magnum, margine supero leviter incrassato et subexpanso, basali fortius incrassato.”
Trochonania paraguensis – “Diam. maj. 18 ½ millim., min 17; alt. 8.” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
Type locality – “Palawan” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
Other localities – “Balabac” (E. A. Smith, 1895)