Geotrochus everetti (Godwin Austen, 1891)
“This is an undoubted Sitala, a genus represented in Burmah and India by S. infula, attegia, &c. Only one specimen in the collection, among a lot of small Helices.” (Godwin-Austen, 1891)
Godwin-Austen (1891) original descriptions on Sitala everetti – “Shell depressedly pyramidal, rounded below, imperforate, keeled; sculpture a dull smooth surface; the spiral ribs very fine, 3 on each whorl, evenly distributed, the one above the suture slightly the best seen, close spiral striation at base; colour pale ashy; spire conical, sides concave; apex blunt; suture shallow, marked by a fine threadlike rib extending to the keel of the last whorl; whorls 6, regularly increasing, convex; aperture semi-lunate; columellar margin reflected, oblique.”
Sitala everetti – “Size: maj. diam. 7.0, min. 6.7; alt. axis 4.5 millim.” (Godwin-Austen, 1891)
Type locality – “Niah Hills” leg. A. Everett (Godwin-Austen, 1891)