Geotrochus alexis (Smith, 1895)
“This species is of a uniform brown tint above and below, and the thickened lip is pale rose. The spiral sculpture on the upper surface extends over the whorls and is finer than in T. paraguensis. The shell also is a little more compressed, and the body-whorl is narrower, and with only feebles traces of spiral striae beneath.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
E. A. Smith (1895) original descriptions on Trochonanina alexis – “Testa T. paraguensis affinis, sed plerumque Paulo major, fusca, labro incrassato roseo, anfractibus 8, supra peromnes partes spiraliter tenuiter striatis, ultimo angustiore, infra vix concentrice striato.”
Trochonanina alexis – “Diam. maj. 21½, min. 20, alt. 5.” and “Diam. maj. 18½, min. 17, alt. 7 1/2.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Type locality – “Banguey Island” (E. A. Smith, 1895)