Videna metcalfei (Pfeiffer, 1845)
“Two forms of this species occur at the above islands. One resembles that represented by Pfeiffer’s figures 10-12 and Reeve’s figures 127 b,c. The specimens, however, are smaller, and the brown zones above and below the periphery smaller, and the brown zones above and below the periphery are narrower and less pronounced. The diameter of average specimens is 15 millim. This variety occurs at all four of the above islands. The other form, which occurs at Bilatan, Bongao, and Sibutu, is similar to that figured by Pfeiffer (l.c. figs. 13, 14) and by Reeve (fig. 127 a). The specimens are a little smaller than those just referred to, of a pale greenish-yellow tint, and the keel is of a very deep brown-black colour, like the narrow zones above and below, which, together with the carina, form a dark peripherial zone. In the Philippine examples figured by Pfeiffer the keel is whitish (=boholensis, Semper). Möllendorff is on opinion that there is sufficient difference between metcalfei and boholensis to distinguish them, but with this opinion I cannot concur.” (E. A. Smith, 1894)
“Cette espèce n'ayant pas été représentée par M. Semper, je crois devoir faire figurer un individu qui se rapporte exactement avec la description originale. Toutefois, je dois faire observer que l'espèce de l'auteur allemande est peut-être la même chose que la Var. b de L’Helix metcalfei (fig. 13 et 14 de la pi. XCVII du Nouveau Chemnitz et fig. 127 a du Conch. Icon. de Reeve).” (Hidalgo, 1887)
“This species is very variable and is met with on several of the islands of the Philippine group. With Hidalgo (i. c. p. 112) I agree in considering T. boholensis of Semper as a variety.” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
“Bezüglich der Umgrenzung der ächten Trochomorpha metcalfei verweise icb aut die Auseinandersetzungen von Möllendorff im Jahresbericht der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft für 1890. Der Typus ist ausgezeichnet durch seine Grösse und die starke Vorziehung, Einbuchtung und Herabbiegung des oberen Mundrandes.” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901)
Pfeiffer (1848) descriptions on Helix metcalfei – “T. late umbilicata, depressa, discoidea, acute carinata, striatula, pallide vel rufescenti-cornea, utrinque juxta carinam albam castaneo-unifasciata; spira vix elevate; anfr. 6 vix convexiusculi, ultimus antice vix descendens; aperture subtriangularis; perist. simplex, margine supero antrorsum arcuatim dilatato, depresso, basali ad columellam leveter arcuato. β. Minor, flavida, lineis angustis nigricanti-rufis juxta carinam. γ. Unicolor, fusco-cornea.”
Möllendorff & Kobelt (1901) descriptions on Trochomorpha (Videna) metcalfei - “Testa umbilicata, umbilico 1/6-1/5 diametri adaequante, depressa, discoldea, acute carinata, striatula, pallide vel rufescenti-cornea, utrinque juxta carinam albam latiuscule castaneo-taeniata; spira vix elevata, subconvexa. Anfractus 6 vix couvexiusculi, lente accrescentes, sutura appressa albofilosa discreti, superne minutissime granulati, ultimus antice non aut vix descendens, subtus planulatus et excepta regione umbilicari distincte spiraliter striatus. Apertura valde obliqua, irregulariter triangularis ; peristoma simplex, acutum, margo superus valde antrorsum protractus, superne depressus et fere deflexus, basalis medio recedens, columellaris subprotractus, ambo subcallosi.”
Solem (1964) descriptions on Videna metcalfei – “…has narrow red color bands just above and below the knife-edge periphery, which is white or straw colored. The upper surface of the shell is smooth and dull, while the base of the shell is shining with fine incised spiral lines.”
Helix metcalfei – “Diam. maj. 21, min. 19, alt. 7 mill. β. Diam. Maj. 17, min. 15, alt. 5 ½ mill. γ. Diam. Maj. 15, min. 13 2/3, alt. 5 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1848); Trochomorpha (Videna) metcalfei - “Diam. 23-25, alt. 7, apert. lat. 10.25, alt. 7.5 mm.” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901); Videna metcalfei – “The single adult was 16.2 mm in diameter, 6.3 mm high with 5 3/8 whorls.” (Solem, 1964)
Type locality – “Inseln Cebu” (Pfeiffer, 1845)
Other localities – “insulis Philippinis, α Sibonga insulae Zebu, β. Tanhay ins. Negros, γ. In ins Siquijor” (Pfeiffer, 1848); “Mindai” (Bock, 1881); “Ile de Cébu: Badajoz, dans l'île de Tablas (Philippines).” (Hidalgo, 1887); Trochomorpha boholensis “Archipel de Jolo: Visita de BuenaVista, à Saban, et Gasan, dans l'ile de Marinduque.” (Hidalgo, 1887); Trochomorpha boholensis “Angat, dans la province de Bulacan, île de Luçon (Philippines).” (Hidalgo, 1887); “Palawan” (E. A. Smith, 1893); “Tawi-Tawi, Bongao, Bilatan, Sibutu” (E. A. Smith, 1894); “Siquijor, Camotesm Bohol, & Letye” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901); “Samarinda, Westen der Sangkulirangbai” and ”Pulo Miang” (Martens, 1908); “Sabah; Lower Kinabatangan District” (Solem, 1964); “Sabah; Kota Belud” (Solem, 1964)