Alycaeus fultoni Möllendorff, 1895
“This form was sent to me as A. hosei, G.A., var. but it is decidedly different from that species, which has a more elevated spire, the last whorl much less tumid, the outer peristome much broader and almost auriculated at the insertion, the columella deeply sinuate, paler colour, etc. In fact the nearest relation of the new species is none of the Bornean Alycaei, but A. jagori, v. Mart., of Java. It differs from the latter by greater size, half to one whorl more, the deeper constriction, the last whorl hardly deflected and therefore the less oblique aperture.” (Möllendorff, 1895)
“Although not mentioned by Dr. Möllendorff in the following description, excessively minute spiral striae exist in A. fultoni; they are visible only under the microscope, and are less observable than in the present species (A. sadongensis).” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
“This may prove to be another variation of the widely distributed A. hosei Godwin-Austen, 1889. The specimens were quite constant in shape and sculpture, ranging from 6.4-7.4 mm in height. Fulton’s variety degenerans is a slight variant. Possibly it is typical of male shells and fultoni represents the female phase. Many intermediate specimens can be found in any fair sized sample.” (Solem, 1964)
Möllendorff (1895) original descriptions on Alycaeus (Orthalycaeus) fultoni – “T. perforate, elate turbinate, sat tenuis, subpellucida, confertim costulato-striata, laete citrina; spira valde elevata, subregulariter conica, apice glabrato, acutulo. Anfractus 6, perconvexi, sutura valde profunda disjuncti, ultimus medio inflatus, gibber, 4-5 mm. pone aperturam profunde constrictus, tum paullum ascendens, ad aperturam campanulatus, vix descendens. Apertura sat oblique, subcircularis, peristoma duplex, externum late expansum, haud reflexum, ad insertiorem paullum dilatatum, internum subporrectum.”
Fulton (1901) original descriptions on Alycaeus fultoni degenerans – “Compared with typical fultoni this variety is smaller, of a less bright yellow colour, obsoletely angled at the periphery on front of last whorl, the oblique striae are somewhat stronger, and the last whorl is not so swollen at the sides as in typical form.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Alycaeus (Alycaeus) fultoni – “Schale eng genabelt, hoch kreiseiförmig, ziemlich dünn, fast durchscheinend, mit dichten Rippenstreifen, lebhaft zitronengelb; Gewinde sehr hoch, fast regelmässig kegelförmig, Apex glatt, ziemlich spitz: Naht sehr tief; 6 sehr gewölbte Windungen, letzte in der Mitte stark aufgeblasen, buckelig, 4-5 mm hinter der Mündung tief eingeschnürt, dann wenig ansteigend, an der Mündung glockenförmig erweitert, kaum herabsteigend; Mündung ziemlich schräg, fast kreisrund; Mundrand doppelt: innerer wenig vorgezogen, äusserer breit ausgebreitet, nicht zurückgeschlagen, an der Naht wenig verbreitert.”
Alycaeus (Orthalycaeus) fultoni – “Diam. maj. 7. alt. 6.75 mm.” (Möllendorff, 1895); Alycaeus (Alycaeus) fultoni – “H. 6.75, Durchm. 7 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Shell height – 5.5 mm; shell width – 5.25.
Type locality - “prope Gomanton insulae Borneo” (Möllendorff, 1895); Alycaeus fultoni degenerans “Gomanton, N. Borneo” (Fulton, 1901)