Chloritis kinibalensis (Kobelt, 1894)
“In colour this species resembles the variety of H. tomentosa which has a red peripherial line. It is, however, larger, has a more elevated spire, the body-whorl has a tendency to subangulation, and the peristome is more regularly curved at the base.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
E. A. Smith (1895) descriptions on Helix (Chloritis) kina-baluensis – “Testa anguste umbilicata, depressa, subglobosa, dilute rufescens, supra peripheriam pallidam linea rufa cincta; spira breviter conoidalis, ad apicem obtuse; anfractus 5, convexi, sutura subprofunda sejuncti, oblique striate, ultimus in medio obsolete angulatus, antice paulo descendens; aperture oblique, late lunata, intus lilacea; peristoma albidum, tenue, anguste expansum, margine columellari reflexo.”
Helix (Chloritis) kina-baluensis – “Diam. maj. 25, min. 21, alt. 17.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Other locality – “Kina Balu, N. Borneo” (E. A. Smith, 1895)