Ganesella acris (Benson, 1859)
Benson (1859) original descriptions on Helix acris – “Testa anguste umbilicata, elevato-conica, trochiformi, oblique striatula, obsolete granulosa, subtus minutissime spiraliter striata, albida; spira elongate-conica, lateribus planis, apice obtusiusculo, suture leviter impressa; anfractibus 6 ½ planulatis, ultimo vix descendente, ad peripheriam acute carinato, basi planiusculo; aperture valde obliqua. Tetragono-lunata, peristomate superne expansiusculo, subtus expanso, reflexiusculo, margine columellari late angulato-reflexo, umbilicum pertim celante.”
Bock (1881) original descriptions on Helix (Geotrochus) rufo-filosa – “Shell shortly conical, narrowly umbilicated, thin, semitransparent, of a greyish or horn-colour, sometimes with a thread-like red line bordering the sutures and encircling the last whorl at the periphery. Spire with rectilinear outlines, converging at an angle of about 30°, rather obtuse at the apex. Whorls 7, very obliquely striated, slowly increasing, keeled beneath immediately above the suture; three or four uppermost rather more convex than those beneath, which are but slightly so; last volution acutely carinate at the middle, and convexly flattened beneath. Aperture small, oblique. Peristome thin, outer margin above the keel scarely expanded, beneath it feebly thickened and narrowly reflexed, in the umbilical region more expanded and partly concealing the perforation.”
Helix acris – “Diam. major 10, minor 9, axis 9 mill.” (Benson, 1859); Helix (Geotrochus) rufo-filosa – “Length from 10 to 11 millim., greatest diameter of base also 10-11 millim.” (Bock, 1881)
Type locality – “Teria Ghàt montimum Khasiae” (Benson, 1859); Helix (Geotrochus) rufo-filosa “In the forest at Paio, 1500 feet above the sea.” (Bock, 1881)