Philalanka kusana (Aldrich, 1889)
"They differ in size and shape from angulata Issel; both species, however, could just as well be placed with the section Sitala of the genus Nanina.” (Aldrich, 1889)
“This shell belongs to a section of Sitala represented in India by tricarinata Nilghiri Hills, subbilirata of Little Brother Andaman Island, and carinifera of Penang.” (Godwin-Austen, 1891)
Aldrich (1889) original descriptions on Trochomorpha kusana – “Shell minutely perforate, thin, subtrochiform, light horn-colour, translucid, with about three transverse raised striae parallel to the suture; whorls six, strongly rounded, the body-whorl non-descending; spire obtuse; base rounded; aperture flattened, ovate, the transverse diameter the largest, peristome acute; columella reflexed at base and partially covering the umbilicus.”
Trochomorpha kusana – “Diameter, 3 mm. Altitude 2 mm.” (Aldrich, 1889)
Type locality – “Kusan and Penggiron districts in South-eastern Borneo” leg. W. Doherty (Aldrich, 1889)