Craspedotropis juvenilis Vermeulen, 1999
“The low whorl count gives this species an immature appearance. The peristome, however, is thickened, as in adult shells of most cyclophorids. Its inclusion in Craspedotropis is somewhat doubtful, but, apart from the absence of a peripherial keel, the shell is more similar to C. Andrei than any other Bornean cyclophorid.” (Vermeulen, 1999)
Vermeulen (1999) original descriptions on Craspedotropis juvenilis – “Spire high conical. Whorls 3 5/8, convex; periphery rounded. Suture depressed. Radial sculpture: inconspicuous growth lines, alternating with somewhat spaced riblets (c. 20/mm on the last whorl); shell with a very fine reticulate sculpture. Umbilicus narrow. Aperture slightly angular above, otherwise circular. Peristome with a thickened lip on the palatal side. Peristracum greenish, smooth, without hairs or appendages.”
Craspedotropis juvenilis – “Height 1.9 mm, width 1.8 mm; height and width aperture 0.95 mm.” (Vermeulen, 1999)
Type locality – “Borneo. Sarawak. 4th Div.: G. Mulu National Park, Sg. Melinau Paku headwaters, G. Api” leg. Schuiteman (Vermeulen, 1999)
“Forest on limestone soil. Found at 1200 m asl.” (Vermeulen, 1999)