Teracharopa lenticula Vermeulen & Junau, 2007
“Differs from the two known species of the genus, T. gouldi Maassen, 2000, and T. rara Maassen, 2000, both from Sumatra, in having a flatter shell, with a lower spire, as well as in lacking both spiral sculpture as well as the microscopically regulate sculpture. The genus differs from Pilsbrycharopa Solem, 1978, in having a protoconch without any riblets.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
Vermeulen & Junau (2007) original descriptions on Teracharopa lenticula – “Shell very small, lenticular with slightly raised spire, white, slightly translucent, with a silky lustre. Whorls up to 5, slightly convex; the last usually slightly shouldered just below the suture (more distinctly so in juveniles). Suture little impressed. Sculpture protoconch: seemingly smooth, but minutely rugulose, just visible at 40 x magn. Radial sculpture teleoconch: a few inconspicuous growth lines, also with low and flat, rather densely placed (near the apex) to rather well spaced ribs at more or less regular intervals, on the last whorl running from the suture to the umbilicus; shell surface in between the ribs minutely regulose above the periphery, much less so below. Umbilicus closed and covered by the columellar peristome. Aperture lunulate. Peristome simple; somewhat reflected on the columellar side, not thickened or reflected on the basal and palatal side, a thin glazing on the parietal side.”
Teracharopa lenticula – “Height up to 2.5 mm; width up to 4 mm. Apertural height up to 1.6 mm, width up to 2.2 mm.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
Type locality – “Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nd div.: Lower Tatau River valley, Bukit Sarang group, Bukit Anyi, NW. side.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
Other localities – “Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nd div.: Lower Tatau River valley, Bukit Sarang group.” leg. S. Lee ((Vermeulen & Junau, 2007); “Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nd div.: Lower Tatau River valley, Bukit Sarang group, Bukit Lebik, ground level.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007); “Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nd div.: Lower Tatau River valley, Bukit Sarang group, Bukit Lebik, sediment deposits c. 40 m above ground level.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)
“Lowland rainforest on limestone bedrock.” (Vermeulen & Junau, 2007)