Cyclotus amabilis Fulton, 1905
“Chiefly distinguished from other species known to me by its large oblique aperture and well-produce Pterocyclus-like channel at upper junction of the peristome.” (Fulton, 1905)
Fulton (1905) original descriptions on Cyclotus (Eucyclotus) amabilis – “Shell broadly umbilicated, depressed, solid, finely obliquely striated, some of the striae very conspicuous on underside of last half-whorl, yellowish brown, ornamented with short and rather distant narrow stripes (sometimes zigzag) of darker brown, these becoming obsolete on the last half-whorl; spire slightly raised; whorls 5, convex, regularly increasing; aperture circular, whitish; peristome double at outer, single at columellar portion, the outer peristome being expanded at the upper part an forming a short canal at its termination; operculum shelly, slightly concave, haing 12 whorls.”
Cyclotus (Eucyclotus) amabilis – “Maj. Diam. 26; alt. 12 mm.” (Fulton, 1905)
Type locality – “N. Borneo” leg. Waterstradt (Fulton, 1905)