Wiegmannia borneensis Collinge, 1901
Collinge (1901) original descriptions on Wiegmannia borneensis – “Animal brownish-yellow with faint blackish mottling on the fore part of the head and dorsum, lateral grooves and median line of rugae well marked. Mantle same colour as body with dark mottling; comes upon all sides of the visceral mass; has a thin shell-border; keel more conspicuous posteriorly. Extremity of foot truncate. Posterior portion ofdorsum keeled. Rugae large. Sulci sepia coloured. Caudal mucous pore a vertical slit extending to the foot-sole. Peripodial groove distinct. Foot-fringe same colour as the body, with faintly coloured lineoles. Foot-sole brownish-yellow with median and lateral planes.”
“The generative oragns agree more closely with those of W. gigas than with those of W. ponsonbyi. The vestibule is sac-like, and the vagina long, as in W. ponsonbyi. The penis is folded upon itself at a distance of about one-third from its proximal end; this and the middle portion form a fairly wide tube, which now gradually tapers until it passes into the vas deferens. At the point where the retractor muscle is inserted (Pl. II. fig. 31, div.) there is a small diverticulum. The receptaculum seminis is a somewhat ovoid-shaped sac opening on the right side of the vagina. The free-oviduct is proportionally not so long as in W. gigas, but longer than in W. ponsonbyi. The dart-gland is very similar in shape to that in W. gigas, but the dart-sac contained a dart more like that described for W. ponsonbyi, differing, however, in possessing a more perfectly developed head, with a longer, solid, calcareous tip (Pl. II. fig. 32).” (Collinge, 1901)
Wiegmannia borneensis – “Length (in alcohol) 49 millim. Shell a thin membraneceous sac, reddish-brown in colour, with very faint lines of growth; apical portion distinct.” (Collinge, 1901)
Type locality – “Kuching, N. W. Borneo” (Collinge, 1901)