Japonia rabongensis (E. A. Smith, 1894)
“The typical from of this species is a little larger than L. triliratus, Pfr. It differs also in the greater number of spiral lirae and the stronger an more widely reflected lip. The variety is conspicuously smaller than the type and has a paler appearance. One of the three specimens examined is of uniform plae olivaceous tint, the two others having a few more or less distant radiating stripes or spots. L. bellulus, Martens, has four lirae upon the penultimate whorl, but about 14 on the last, and the red stripes are flexuous and the umbilicus broader.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
The specimens collected from Samarinda larger than the type which is about 8 mm diameter. (Martens, 1908)
E. A. Smith (1895) original descriptions on Lagochilus rabongensis – “Testa turbinate, umbilicata, sub epiderme tenui flavo et rufo oblique strigata, spiraliter lirata; anfractus 5-6, convexi, liris tenuibus spiralibus (in anfr. penult. Quator) cincti, ultimus liris circiter 8-10 ornatus, antice vix descendens; aperture rotundata, mediocris; peristoma duplex, margine externo tenui plane reflexo, intus leviter incrassato, dilute lilaceo, continuo, ad suturam minute sinuato. Var. Testa minor, omnino lutescens vel strigis rufis radiantibus ornata.””
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Japonia (Lagochilus) rabongensis – “Schale genabelt, kreiseiförmig, unter einem dünnen, gelben oder roten Periostracum schräg gestreift und spiralig gefurcht; 5-6 gewölbte Windungen, vorletzte mit 4, letzte mit 8-10 feinen Spiralreifen, letzte vorn kaum herabsteigend; Mündung rundlich, mittelgross; Mundrand doppelt: äusserer dünn, flach zurückgeschlagen, innerer leicht verdickt, verwaschen lila, zusammenhängend, an der Naht fein ausgebuchtet.”
Lagochilus rabongensis – “Diam. maj. 9 millim., min. 7 1/3, alt. 8; apertura intus 3 ½ lata. Var. Diam maj. 7 millim., min. 6, alt. 7.” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Type locality – “Mount Rabong, West Sarawak” (E. A. Smith, 1895)
Other locality – “Samarinda” (Martens, 1908)