Japonia similis (E. A. Smith, 1894)
“This species, although so very like L. ciliatum of Sowerby, may be distinguished thus; - It is larger and has a more glossy appearance, caused by the absence of the fine spiral striae which mark the surface of that species. The flame-like painting which ornaments the upper surface never extends beyond the periphery, the base being of a uniform light or dark horny tint. In the three specimens of L. ciliatum in the Museum collection the base and especially the umbilicus exhibit vivi flammulations. Also two out of these three specimens have a srong carina bordering the umbilicus, a feature entirely wanting in all the examples of the present species. In the latter the peripherial keel revolves up the spire and is visible just above the suture, and a second thread-like carina occurs upon the middle of the penultimate and two preceding whorls, but is almost obsolete upon the last. In L. ciliatum these keels or lirae are much less conspicuous. The ground-colour varies from reddish to whitish norn-coloue, and the amount of flame-like painting upon the upper surface is more or less extensive, in some cases forming merely a series of blotches at the suture.” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
E. A. Smith (1893) original descriptions on Lagochilus similis – “Testa L. ciliato similes, sed major, laevior, haud spiraliter striata, inferne haud picta; anfractibus fortius carinatis.”
Lagochilus similis – “Diam. maj. 16 millim., min. 12 ½; alt. 13. Apertura cum perist. 8 alta et lata.” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
Type locality – “Balabac” (E. A. Smith, 1893)
Other locality – “Palawan” (E. A. Smith, 1893)