Japonia whiteheadi (Smith, 1887)
“It is peculiar on account of the epidermis, which upon the keels is produced into very short tufts. The operculum is very thin, yellowish, and consists of about eight whorls. In the British Museum are tow specimens also from Borneo which are smaller than those decribed, and differ also in having the peristome of a darker colour, and the brown markings radiate from the suture in an irregular zigzag manner. Two other specimens from Bantam, in Java, also apparently belong to this species. They are still smaller and have the epidermis produced into short hairs upon the principal ridges.” (E. A. Smith, 1887)
“The specimen is in bad condition, with broken apex, Diam. Max. 13 mm., alt. 13 mm. Periphery rounded, last two whorls with strong, spiral lirae, of which I count ten on the last whorl. Traces of fine transverse lines between the lirae, but the shell is much worn. In general the shell bears a close resemblance to lowi but is rather larger tha examples of that species in my possession, and the lirae are more strongly raised. It is probably an example of Smith’s species, which itself is a form or local race of lowi. Two specimes from “near Kadamaian River, Kinabalu 2,150 feet, March 1899” also collected by Dr. Hanitsch and appear to belong to the same form, but have fewer lirae, 6 on one specimen 7 on the other. None of these specimens has retained the epidermis, so it is impossible to say whether it showed the “tufting” that Smith regarded as characteristic of the species.” (Laidlaw, 1937)
E. A. Smith (1887) Original descriptions on Leptopoma whiteheadi – “Testa conica, umbilicata, mediocriter tenuis, purpurascenti vel fuscescenti-cornea, maculis rufis sutura radiantibus picta, epidermide tenui sublamellata amicta; anfractus 6, convexi, carinis tenuibus 2-3 instructi, incrementi lineis striisque spiralibus inconspicuis sculpti, sutura subprofuna sejuncti, ultimus carinis ad 6 ornatus; aperture modice magna; peristoma anguste reflexum, bimarginatum.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Leptopoma (Trocholeptopoma) whiteheadi – “Schale genabelt, kegelförmig, massig dünn, bräunlich oder purpurhornfarben mit roten Nahtflecken; Periostracum dünn, blätterig; 6 gewölbte Windungen mit 2 oder 3 feinen Kanten, feinen Anwachsstreifen und sehr feinen Spirallinien, letzte Windung mit 6 Kauten; Mündung mittelgross; Mundrand schmal zurückgeschlagen, doppelt gerandet.”
Shell height – 12.5 mm; shell width 12.5 mm.
Leptopoma (Trocholeptopoma) whiteheadi – “H. 12.5, Durchm. 12,5:10 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)